Thursday, March 27, 2008

Great Political Humor

The political humorists are at it again. Nothin' like a juicy sex scandal to spice up the political landscape is there? It seems like we haven't had this good a time with sex scandals since Bill Clinton's romps and escapes with lil' ol' Monica! (Shhhhh Chelsea might hear us - and tell us to Butt out! )

The funniest one I found is about that Detroit Mayor who has just screwed up publicly. Sort of a play on words from Bill's day. Click on the product to see the details

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The next political clown who has screwed up is Elliot Spitzer. Imagine a guy who has everything risks it all for some stupid bimbo call girl? Guess he doesn't get it that if he is going to go after Escort services and its wrong for everybody else, it might just be wrong for him too. Bozo is all that is printable here. The text says "You Spitzer or You swallow? "

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Last but not least we have Obama, who doesn't have a sex scandal, at least not yet..... But I put this here because Obama shirts are the most popular on the internet t-shirt stores . This one says, "Obama is my homeboy".

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Till next time!

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